NOT YOUR VILLAIN audiobook now available!

The NOT YOUR VILLAIN audiobook is now available! I’m so honored that the Sidekick Squad series can be enjoyed in this medium! Produced by Tantor Media and read by JD Jackson, the second in the Sidekick Squad series follows the adventures of Bells and his friends as they navigate the growing corruption in the Heroes’ League of Heroes…

Not Your Villain Bonus Scenes

One of the original drafts of Not Your Villain totaled about 110,000 words! In making a better book, this story had to be streamlined. One of the challenging parts about editing (and saddest) is cutting scenes, especially scenes I loved to write. I had so much extra story that I thought it would be fun to share some of these with you.

Thank you, SLCC!

SLCC was so much fun! It was my first time ever being at this Comic Con, and I was blown away by the energy and the passion of the fans, the creative cosplays and of course the wonderful people who came to my panels and my signing! I was nervous moderating my first two panels at this con, Say It On The Page! and Turning Ideas into Novels, but the discussion and thought-provoking questions made it all worth it.

Join CB Lee, Maurene Goo and Sarah Kuhn at Barnes & Noble at the Grove for a special event!

Ready for a Not Your Villain kickoff? Join me, Maurene Goo and Sarah Kuhn for a fun-filled night at the Grove for a Q&A session as we talk about our books, writing, and more! There will be games, prizes and snacks so if you’re free we’d love to have you join us!

Not Your Villain

SIDEKICK SQUAD, BOOK TWO — Bells Broussard thought he had it made when his superpowers manifested early. Being a shapeshifter is awesome. He can change his hair whenever he wants, and if putting on a binder for the day is too much, he’s got it covered. But that was before he became the country’s most wanted villain.